Over time, during our manufacturing process, we have accumulated some bags that are not quite up to our specifications. We refer to them as slightly imperfect; the handles may be different widths, the bag may have a wrinkle here or there, or the color may be off a bit.
However, all of the bags are still in perfect working order - meaning no tears, the handles still tie perfectly well, the scent is fine, and they are the correct size. These bags can be used for personal hygiene or for pets. This is a limited-time-offer, while supplies last.
We are selling these bags in bulk, available in our original size and large.
Original size(8 x 4.5 x 14); 1500 bags per case, are bundled with elastic bands in bundles of 50 (30 bundles per case). The cost per case with the shipping included is $110.00. They are not individually boxed. You must purchase these slightly imperfect bags by the 1500 bag case.
Heaven Scent® - Clearance Bags -Original size:8 x 4.5 x 14 Price: $110.00 / case of 1500
Large size(10 x 6 x 18); 1000 bags per case, are bundled with elastic bands in bundles of 50 (20 bundles per case). The cost per case with the shipping included is $80.00. They are not individually boxed. You must purchase these slightly imperfect bags by the 1000 bag case.
Heaven Scent® - Clearance Bags - Large size:10 x 6 x 18 Price: $80.00 / case of 1000